There is always a limited amount of time to stop insect reproduction after you notice the first signs of their infestation in your home. Before you can draw up a pest control plan, you must know...
Category: FAQs
It is no secret that homeowners hate cockroaches, and flying cockroaches even more so. These creatures can be a real menace running around the house and hiding in crevices and openings. Can it get...
Is there any truth to this that cockroaches avoid light? Many people ask this question as many a time you walk down the passage to your kitchen, and once you put on the light, you are welcomed...
The cockroach is an annoying pest when it gets into our homes and businesses. Not only is the roach unsettling but dealing with them is difficult as well. They run up walls and over floors while...
So how are these two insects both similar and different? Despite the fact that many people refer to several species of cockroaches as water bugs, in actuality, the giant water bug is an aquatic...