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Discover the best ways to get rid of fleas fast. Fleas can affect humans and animals and some can make their home in your carpets too.
It can be a costly, frustrating endeavor to get rid of fleas in the home, on humans, dogs and even cats. Unlike other home pests, like flies, these insects cause irritation and discomfort to both people and pets. They even account for more than half of all veterinarian-required dermatology conditions. Intense irritation and itching can be a result of even one bite to a sensitive person or animal.
How to Get Rid of Fleas in the Home
Exterminating fleas in the home requires time, patience and diligence. It takes a few weeks to completely rid your home of fleas. It can even be a seasonal problem in some locations since these creatures love humid, warm conditions. To rid your home of these pests, thoroughly clean the surfaces where pets spend a lot of time. These are the areas where pupae, larvae and eggs are most likely going to be. Vacuum each of your carpets and rugs often and thoroughly. Use a growth regulator along with an insecticide to spray carpets using micro- encapsulated pyrethrins. Growth regulators break a flea’s life cycle. It may be necessary to do repeated applications. Read labels carefully and use with caution. Using a vacuum to clean can pick up both pupae and adults. In the nap of your carpet, use flea granules. These stay active for one whole year and can be applied once each year. Home cleaning should also include cleaning garages and concrete floors in the basement. If all your efforts are not successful, call a pest control company well-equipped to deal with infestations.
How to Extinguish Fleas on Humans
At times, fleas that infest pets will bite human beings occasionally. Most often, bites appear on areas that are constricted such as around waistbands or around the tops of socks. Keep in mind, however, that they do not really use human beings as their host so going through the right steps of removal usually takes care of the problem.
For flea bites on the body, your doctor will most likely prescribed cortisone creams, medicated body wash or an antihistamine to eliminate the itching caused by flea bites. Natural itch relievers also include peppermint oil, chamomile tea bags or aloe vera. Dab the oil or aloe on bites or use a washcloth to apply some cooled tea from a prepared cup to the areas of irritation. To protect against infection, antibiotics may also be prescribed. Scratching makes a flea bite worse so avoid scratching.
For fleas that are in human hair, wash and condition your hair using the highest amount of heat setting you can possibly tolerate. Next, comb through wet hair starting at the roots, one section at a time. Remove fleas that you find on the nit comb after every section. For one hour after the combing session, soak the comb in alcohol. In order for infestation to stop, wash all the bedding and clothing in the house. Use rubbing alcohol to clean all hair tools. Vacuum your car’s upholstery and carpets as well as all the surfaces in your home.
How to Kill Fleas on Dogs
When you notice your dog scratching more than normally, this is a sure sign he has a flea infestation. There are several ways to get rid of them on dogs and newborn puppies including getting anti-flea shots periodically at the veterinarian. You can also do this yourself by giving your dog an anti-flea shampoo. Many insecticide shampoos do more harm than good. Trying natural products will be just as effective in getting rid of fleas on your dog. Consider using citrus oil, eucalyptus oil or rosemary oil shampoos which works as natural irritants and insecticides. First, wash your dog’s neck. This way, your dog’s fleas don’t hop on to his neck and head area as you give him a bath. When a flea senses water, it immediately seeks hard to reach, dry places on your pet. It is a good idea to clean your dog’s eye cavity, ears and rectum before bathing the rest of the body. Lather your pet for fifteen minutes. Under lukewarm water, completely rinse your pet making sure no shampoo is left on him. Next, apply a product that kills fleas. This can include oral medication prescribed by your vet or a flea collar. A few hours after his bath and the application of an anti-flea product, use a comb to go through the fur of your dog or puppy. A fine toothed nit or flea comb works best to dislodge any remaining fleas. Use bleach and water to clean the nit each time you find them.
How to Eradicate Fleas on Cats and Kittens fast
You are most likely to know it as soon as fleas get on your cat. He could be covered with black dirt, scratch until he bleeds or be covered with tiny bites. You might even see a few fleas around the house where your kitten or cat stays. If left unchecked, infestations can cause cats to develop more serious problems such as tapeworm or anemia. To get rid of fleas, use a flea comb and comb your cat throughout her body entirely. Nearby, have a jar of heavily diluted bleach to collect the fleas from the comb. Use fresh water to thoroughly rinse the comb before you use it once more on your pet. Then, thoroughly shampoo your kitten or cat. Use an anti-flea cat shampoo. Apply a product for topical flea-control to the skin of your cat at her nape twenty-four hours after bathing the cat. Wash all of the cat’s beddings using the highest heat setting of water and on high heat, dry this in the dryer. Vacuum the bedding and carpet that you are unable to wash and empty the vacuum canister each time. For serious infestations, use a professional exterminator. Never use products if these were meant for dogs. Check the label to determine whether or not the product you are using was specifically made for cats.