Does Peppermint Oil Repel Stink Bugs?

Dave Campbell

Do you have stink bug problems in your home? If so, then you may be wondering if peppermint oil is a good solution to help repel them. Luckily for you, this blog post will explain everything about using peppermint oil as a natural remedy to deter stink bugs from entering your home and address any concerns or questions that you might have. We’ll also discuss the facts around its effectiveness and some tips on how best to use it.

But the short answer is yes, peppermint oil can help repel stink bugs from entering your home. The strong scent of peppermint oil deters the bugs and masks their food sources. When mixed with water, peppermint oil can be used to create a spray that can be applied around windows, doors and other potential entry points. Before we delve into the topic deeper, let’s clarify what kind of insects you might be dealing with.

What is a Stink Bug?

The bug came from China and arrived in the United States in 1990. Furthermore, they can grow to two inches long and has many colors depending on the location they live in.

Stink Bugs have six legs, and the body looks as if covered with a shield.

Moreover, they rarely bite humans, but when threatened, they might give you a nip. The pest lives on veg and fruits, and if ever one happens to bite you, it feels like a sting. On the other hand, they deter predators with the stench they give off.

So how do you get rid of them?

Home Stink Bug Prevention tips:

  • Plant wildflower to attract wasps that are the stink bugs, main enemy
  • Make sure to kill the bug outside to ensure you drive the others away
  • Keep the garden clean of weeds
  • You can wipe the doorways and windowsills with scented dryer sheets
  • Make sure to seal entry points by using chalk
  • Fit the windows and doors with mesh screening

On the other hand, if you do find them roaming around the home, it is best to remove them, rather than killing them in the house. Take a plastic bottle and use the lid to collect the stink bugs and toss them outdoors.

Alternatively, you can use a stink bug trap by taking a two-liter bottle. Take a razor blade and cut the top of the bottle off. Now set the top section aside and warp the bottom part with electrical tape.

Take an LED light and set it in the bottom of the bottle. Now place the bottle top upside-down into the container to create a funnel. As the sides of the bottle are slippery, it prevents the insect from climbing out, and is an effective method to keep stink bugs away from you home.

Take some masking tape and stick the strips along the outside, making it easier for the stink bug to climb. By using a long object, turn the light on and leave it standing overnight to attract the stink bugs.

stink bug

What Stink Bugs Hate

You can find different DIY recipes online to repel the shield bug, but one that works effectively is the mint recipe. You will need two cups of water, ten drops of mint oil (two teaspoons ground mint leaves), and a spray bottle.

You mix the ingredients and pour it in the bottle to use as a spray. The smell of the substance only repels them but does not kill them. Once you start using the mint, you will notice a reduction of the bug in the home.

Mint Essential Oil

The main active ingredient in peppermint oil is menthol, which is known to be an effective natural insect repellent. This means that when you spray peppermint oil in the areas of your home that stink bugs frequent, the scent will cause them to stay away. Additionally, some research has shown that when sprayed on stink bugs directly, peppermint oil can even kill them! It’s not a guarantee, but it’s worth a shot if you’re desperate for a solution.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Using Peppermint Oil?

The biggest downside of using peppermint oil as a stink bug deterrent is that it doesn’t last very long. You will need to reapply it every few days or after heavy rains in order for it to remain effective. Additionally, while the smell may be pleasant to humans, cats and dogs may find the scent irritating or even dangerous if ingested in large quantities. Finally, because essential oils can be quite expensive compared to other solutions, you’ll want to make sure you use it sparingly and only on areas where stink bugs are known to congregate.

essential oils

Other deterrents that might work

If you prefer using natural pesticides to poisonous ones that are harmful to the family, you can use the following home remedies to kill stink bugs. Another great reason to use natural products is that when you kill the insect in the wall cracks, the stench attracts carpet beetles leaving you with another problem to get rid of.

Garlic Spray

Take four teaspoons of garlic, mix it with two cups of water, and place it in a spray bottle. Here you spray the entryways of the stink bugs and works well to repel them.

The remedy is excellent to use if you do not mind the smell of garlic. Another method is to chop the garlic up and leave it where the stink bugs enter the home.

Soapy Water

Another effective killer for the bug is soapy water. Once you spray it on the stink bug, it leaves the body dehydrated as it breaks down the outer shell. However, it only works if you spray it directly on the insect. You will need a ¾ cup of mild dish detergent mixed with 32 ounces of warm water and a spray bottle.


Using the spray on its own also kills the shield bug when sprayed directly onto it as it paralyzed them.

Neem Oil

You can take 32 ounces of warm water and mix in two teaspoons of the essential oil and place it in a spray bottle. The oil is a natural insecticide that is safe to use around the home. Stink bugs hate this oil and it disrupts the bugs feeding process and starves them while preventing the insect from laying more eggs.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth, you can use for different purposes, and one of them is to repel stink bugs. The natural pesticide is excellent to use for beg bugs, silverfish, ants, and spider mites as well. You can spread the chalky powder on the area where the stink bugs congregate and typical entry points as well.

Hot Pepper Solution

Lastly, if you want to kill the bug quickly, you can use capsaicin found in hot peppers. You can use habaneros or jalapenos by leaving them in water and pouring the solution into a spray bottle. You can spray the substance directly on the bug or in particular areas of the house as it also repels stink bugs.

As you can see, there are many ways to rid the home of this pest, and using peppermint is one of them.

Final Thoughts

No matter what DIY remedy you decide to use, the best route to keep stink bugs away from your home, is to make sure once killed, that you hoover them up with vacuum.

However, peppermint oil is believed by many people to be a good way to repel stink bugs and keep your home stink bug free.

With the above methods and having the right tools, you can quickly keep stink bugs away without any drama.


Dave Campbell

I'm Dave Campbell and the owner of You can read more about me and my background on my About Me page.

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